Halloween 2017-18


HALLOWEEN takes place every year on the 31st October. The CELTS believed that the souls of the dead visited Earth on the last day of October. They had a festival in honor of these souls and they called it Samhain.

But how did we get the name Halloween?

In the 8th century, the Catholic church declared November the 1st to be All Saints Day. The church calendar had a number of days honoring saints already. November 1st was picked to be the day to honor all saints who didn’t have a day named in their honor. “ All Hallows day “ is how this day is commonly called.

Why do people dress up as ghosts,goblings,vampires,and other scary creatures?

Because people thought that this way they would scare evil spirits away!They also carried food to the edge of the town and left it there,hoping that spirits would eat the food and not raid the city!





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 Διαχείριση ιστότοπου: Νεκταρία Κλέτσα ΠΕ86
